maanantai 17. huhtikuuta 2017


The main theme of The Martian is that there will always be hope. In my opinion the actors of the film did all great job and were incredible. If I were the director of the film, I would had cut some unnecessary scenes to make the film a little bit shorter. I rate the Martian 4,5 out of 5.



The most memorable scene of The Martian is when Mark Watney does a slight miscalculation and his potato farm blows up.

My favorite scene is when Mark gets rescued to the oribiting vessel.

The least favorite scene was the storm scene because it was confusing in my opinion.

The movie ends when Mark gives the final speech to students.

GIF Gallery

Film Society of Lincoln Center matt damon ridley scott the martian new york film festival GIF

Film Society of Lincoln Center ridley scott the martian nyff new york film festival GIF

 film filmedit matt damon the martian steviebucks GIF

Film Society of Lincoln Center matt damon astronaut ridley scott the martian GIF

 science matt damon the martian science the shit GIF

Film Society of Lincoln Center laugh ridley scott the martian new york film festival GIF

The New Big Poppa E matt damon the martian GIF

Picture Gallery

Mark chilling in the sunlight

Mark is showing his potato farm

Fan artwork

Mark pondering

The potato farm is successful

The making of The Martian
Kuvahaun tulos haulle the martian

Mark is not feeling well

The NASA station

Main Characters

Matt Damon is playing the role of Mark Watney in the movie. Mark is funny and leading type of guy and he has also many skills to manage to survive.

Jessica Chanstain on the other hand is playing the role of Melissa Lewis. She has navy background and she is also trained geologist, in her private life she shows intrests in 70's films and music.

Kristen Wiig is Annie Montrose in the film. Annie is public relations manager for NASA. She's usually very calm and positive.

The Plot

A group of astronauts are on a mission in Mars where they get hit by a raging storm. Mark Watney is one of the astronauts and he gets hit by a projectile. Believing that Mark has died, the rest of the crew abandons him and leave Mars. Mark, however, survives and he needs to find ways to survive 4 years alone on Mars until the next Mars flight is scheduled to arrive.

In order to surive, Mark starts to farm potatoes but the plan fails as the station's airlock gets destroyed. As Mark has no realistic way to survive 4 years on Mars, NASA starts a rescue operation which fails on the first attempt. The original crew members who had abandoned Mark decide to go back to rescue him. They don't make it to the orbit and Mark needs to be picked on a flyby.